How to Catch a Cheating Boyfriend

How to catch a cheating boyfriend


Do you love a cheating boyfriend?


So you made it. Finally, after such a long time of breathtaking searches you're in a relationship. Now you can say to your girlfriends that you'll be unable to catch a movie with them on Friday because you're going to a fancy restaurant with your boyfriend. Everything looks so perfect. Your man is so nice and sweet, smells so good and knows exactly what to say or whisper softly in your ear... Could things get any better than this? Eurodate Time goes by, and soon you'll have your six months anniversary. Alas! A day before your big evening you find a lipstick stain on his shirt's collar. Your fingers grow tighter and tighter around his neck... umm, shirt's collar. Could it be? Do you really have a cheating boyfriend? Anxious, you step back and forth, back and forth on your linoleum floor, his shirt's still chocking in your hands. Is he really cheating? Do you put your eggs in the wrong basket? Or maybe it's a strawberry jam dried from yesterday's dinner? How could you tell if your boyfriend is a cheater? Once you have decided that red stain on his shirt's collar is, in fact, a traffic-light red shade lipstick you'll need to take some necessary steps before pointing the finger at Mr. Player over there.


So how to catch a cheating boyfriend?


Sure, you can't wait to read him his verdict and prepare The chair, yet catching him live is the best way to get the evidence you need to convict a cheating boyfriend. First, be cool, be Zen. Don't let him see that you suspect anything! Second, whether you live together or not, find a way to hide a pen size camera (available on the web or at any gadget store) right in front of his bed. If you are one of the more wealthy girls, just hire a private detective and he'll bring the required equipment with him. Thirdly, and most important of all - be strong! Don't give up and don't break under the investigation lights. On the slightest sign you get that he suspects you suspecting him, go back directly and promptly to step #1, review and be cool! The best evidence is a cheater caught on act, and on tape is twice as good.

